Signature Vanity Blowout
Blow dry + signature styling
Blow dry + signature styling
Need a quick wave? Come dry and blown out- we’ll style you! xoxo
Signature haircut, with texturing, and customization. Finished with a blowout, and style. 
Grey coverage — Root touch up please!
Partial lightening services are for anyone looking to add highlighting pieces by foiling, and/or free hand painting. This is focused mainly on the front, sides, and top of the head. This service is customizable, and transformative. About 3:30-4:00 hrs long.
This service is the WORKS.. foiling, free hand painting, low lighting etc. Wet balayage etc. this is a FULL service where the whole head is addressed- front, back, top, and sides. should be about twice a year 4:00-4:30 Hrs.
4-6 week touch up of hair extensions - I will open the bead, remove shedding, and then slide the bead back up to its initial place.
Grey Coverage Touch Up (ADD ON)
In this appointment I will answer all of your hair extension questions, color match you, and give you exact pricing for your customized installation.
This is only an ADD ON Service to your booking. This can not be booked on its own